Author: Rahmi AKSOY, Yaşar EREN

Publishing Date: 2004

E-ISSN: 2147-9364

Volume 19 Issue 2


The Konya fault zone is a northeast-southwest trending, east-dipping normal slip fault in the western part of the Konya city, extending for about 65 km from the east of Hatunsaray northeastward to the east of Doğudağ. The fault zone includes subparallel branching faults that lie within a linear belt, as much as 5 km in width. Study of exposures in a road-cut across the fault zone demonstrates recurrent Quaternary faulting. Three events have been identified but not yet dated. Evidence of prehistoric events includes development of cracks and veins in the sedimentary units, faults that are covered by sediments that accumulated after the faults slipped and sedimentary units and their faulted relationship. The area where the fault is exposed is characterized by a unique set of stratigrafic and geomorphic relationships that may document the late Pleistocene and Holocene movement of the Konya fault zone.

Key Words: Konya Fault Zone; normal slip fault; neotectonic,

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