Author: Tuba ERTUĞRUL, Ali BERKTAY, Bilgehan NAS

Publishing Date: 2004

E-ISSN: 2147-9364

Volume 19 Issue 2


In this research, works were carried out employing two identical laboratory-scale SBR in order to investigate the effect of organic and pH shock loadings on treatment performance. The feed wastewater used was a synthetic wastewater. Two reactors were operated to reach until steady state conditions (COD= 1000 mg/l) and first reactor was loaded with water having COD of 5000 mg/l. Then this organic shock loading was repeated. pH=2 and pH=12 shock loadings were applied to the reactor at a 1/10 ratio of reactor volume. Although, the reactor was affected by single organic shock loading but recovered itself within 2 days. On the other hand, it was seriously affected by consecutive organic shock loadings and it was not able to return steady state conditions. pH shock loadings did not affect the reactor and not much change was observed on treatment performance.

Key Words: Wastewater treatment; shock loading; organic shock; pH shock; SBR

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