Author: Muhammad Imran, Hafeez-Ullah, Munir Akhtar, Muhammad Aslam Sial, Ejaz Ahmed, Durr-e-Sabeeh, Mukhtar Ahmad and Fayyaz Hussain

Publishing Date: 2016

E-ISSN: 1011-601X

Volume: 29 Issue: 4


Designing and implementation of non-invasive methods for glucose monitoring in blood is main focus of biomedical scientists to provide a relief from skin puncturing of diabete patient. The objective of this research work is to investigate the shape deformations and the aggregation of red blood cells (RBCs) in the human blood after addition of three different analytes i) (0mM-400mM: Range) of glucose (C6H12O6), ii) (0mM-400mM: range) of pure salt (NaCl) and iii) (0mM- 350mM: range) of pure water (H2O). We have observed that the changes in the shape of individual cells from biconcave discs to spherical shapes and eventually the lysis of the cells at optimum concentration of glucose, salts and pure water. This demonstration also provides a base line to facilitate diabetes during partial diagnosis and monitoring of the glucose levels qualitatively both in research laboratories and clinical environment.

KEYWORDS: Whole blood, hyperglycaemia, hypoglycaemia, erythrocytes, hypotonic solutions

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