Author: A.Müjdat ÖZKAN, A.Ayaz BOZDAĞ

Publishing Date: 2009

E-ISSN: 2147-9364

Volume24 Issue 1


The Maastrichtian aged Dikmendede formation in the Orhaniye (Kazan-Ankara) area formed in the deep-marine environment. The formation is made up of alternating green, grey-coloured turbiditic conglomerate, sandstone, shale, claystone and marl. The unit has a typical flysch features and has sedimentary structures such as thin-thick bedding, normal graded bedding, erosional surface, flute cast, load structures, ball and pillow structures, bounce marks, slump structures and plenty of biogenic traces. On the other hand, the conglomerate of turbiditic channel fill have clast imbrication and graded bedding. Sandstones of Dikmendede formation is mainly made of quartz, plagioclase, alkali feldspar (orthoclase, microcline, sanidine), sedimentary (carbonate, chert, sandstone, shale), metamorphic (micaschist, quartzschist, calcschist, phyllite, gneiss), volcanic rock clasts, mica (muscovite, biotite), heavy minerals (epidote, opaque minerals, glaucophane, piroksen, rutile, turmaline). The sandstones, texturally and mineralogically immature, bounded by mainly calcite and sometimes iron-oxide cements and, by mainly clayey (illite, smectite, chlorite) and in a lesser amount micritic matrix.

The main source of the Dikmendede formation sandstones in the QtFL and QmFLt ternary diagrams are usually recycled orogen and sometimes dissected arc and transitional arc regions. The sandstones in the study area, observed as litharenite, were deposited as flysch in the continental collision zone of the orogenic belts.

Key Words: Orhaniye; Dikmendede; sandstone; flysch; provenans.

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