Author: Ömür Esen, Tayfun Çay, Nuh Toklu

Publishing Date: 2017

E-ISSN: 2548-0960

Volume 2 Issue 3


Turkeys agricultural policies of the European Union, World Bank, International Monetary Fund on a global scale, such as areas of activity by the organizations and groups, referral is made.

Since the early years of the Republic, different implementations of the land reform, which is on the agenda, have been carried out. Studies, on June the 11th 1945, a Law to Provide Farmers with Land enumerated 4753, Land and Agrarian Reform Law dated 1973 and Enumerated 1757, Agrarian Reform Law Regarding Land Regulations in Irrigation Areas , Land Protection & Land Use Law enumerated as 5403/5578 made under the land reform in Turkey have been discussed.

After Land reform was applied in regions. the farmers would not informed by the authorised and the lack of credit etc. reasons desired yield was not obtained. In this study, land reform, according to the particular application in the world have studied the similarities and differences. A viable model for our country’s land reform was formed.

Keywords: Object based classification, maximum likelihood method, support vector machine, spectral angle mapper, post classification

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