Author: Özgür BERÇİN

Publishing Date: 2016

E-ISSN: 2147-9364

Volume: 4 Issue: 1

DOI : 10.15317/Scitech.2016116093


Vertical boundaries of prosperous firms are designed in order to align with their organizational structure, business strategies and external environment. Structuring the vertical boundaries of a firm is a complex business problem and it is still a contentious topic. Although many analysis have been conducted, no single theory can provide a stand-alone solution how to structure firm boundaries. Each theory explains certain part of the problem but cannot answer the whole problem. The literature about integrated firm boundaries view is very new and the number of studies on integrated views is limited. The purpose of this study is to develop a conceptual integrated model to demonsrate how assets of firms, that are the most influencial factor on boundaries of firms through cost or opportunity view, affect boundaries of firms under moderation effect of other contextual factors.

Key Words: Firm boundaries, transaction costs, resource-based view, real options, neo-classic economics

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